721 Amsterdam St.
Woodstock, IL 60098
P.(847) 450 7850
24/7 Dispatch: +1 (866)922 2580
Invoice Number | INV-2482 |
Invoice Date | July 20, 2021 |
Due Date | July 30, 2021 |
Total Due | $1,447.17 |
100 S. US 12
Fox Lake, IL 60020
Complaint- exhaust fans not working
System troubleshooting- found burned electrical controls for fan #1, found open overload for fan #2
Repair- reset overload for fan 2, replace electrical controls fan#1, replaced and adjust V belts, fan #1,#2
Restart syste= OK
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Adjust | Sub Total |
1 | IEC Magnetic Contactor |
$287.53 | 0% | $287.53 |
1 | ELECTRIC IEC Overload Relays |
$273.46 | 0% | $273.46 |
2 | A25 V belt |
$42.31 | 0% | $84.62 |
$225.00 | 0% | $675.00 |
1 | Travel Truck charge | $62.00 | 0.00% | $62.00 |
Sub Total | $1,382.61 |
Tax | $64.56 |
Total Due | $1,447.17 |
To pay by check, please mail your payment to:
JCM Services Inc. dba Service First USA
721 Amsterdam St.
Woodstock, IL 60098
For direct deposit:
Account number:934032491
Routing number: 071000013
For credit card payments: