721 Amsterdam St.
Woodstock, IL 60098
P.(847) 450 7850
24/7 Dispatch: +1 (866)922 2580
Invoice Number | INV-2415 |
Invoice Date | April 26, 2021 |
Due Date | May 6, 2021 |
Total Due | $1,644.51 |
720 N. Franklin Street
Chicago, IL60654
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Adjust | Sub Total |
4.5 | TECH LABOR Please refer to the PM reports attached |
$185.00 | 0% | $832.50 |
4.5 | Helper Tech helper |
$45.00 | 0% | $202.50 |
2 | AX23 |
$22.72 | 0% | $45.44 |
2 | BX25 |
$32.48 | 0% | $64.96 |
2 | AX50 |
$42.63 | 0% | $85.26 |
2 | AX49 Cogged V-Belt, |
$39.43 | 0% | $78.86 |
8 | 20x20x2 Pleated Air Filter |
$14.62 | 0% | $116.96 |
1 | Trave & Tolls | $162.00 | 0.00% | $162.00 |
Sub Total | $1,588.48 |
Tax | $56.03 |
Total Due | $1,644.51 |
For direct deposit:
Account number:934032491
Routing number: 071000013
For credit card payments: