


721 Amsterdam St.
Woodstock, IL 60098
P.(847) 450 7850
24/7 Dispatch: +1 (866)922 2580

Invoice Number INV-2654
Invoice Date August 9, 2022
Due Date August 19, 2022
Total Due $0.00
La Josie

740 W. Randolph st
Chicago, Illinois 60661

_ Job Location:
5600 S Pulaski Rd,
Chicago, IL 60629

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
2 Equipment Troubleshooting

-found unit working on stage 1 only
-found single stage thermostat in place instead of 2 stage
-found leak at stage 2 condenser coil/ system empty
-found bypassed stages 1 and 2 heating and cooling
-found dirty coils and filters
-found loose worn out v belt

6 Repair / Pm Service

- Repair leak in the 2-stage condenser coil
-Pressure test= OK
- Recharged 2-stage system with 410A refrigerant
- Adjust 1- stage system with 410A refrigerant
-Installed remote control wireless router
-Cleaned condenser and evaporator coils
-Replaced V belt
-Replaced air filters
-Installed 2-stage thermostat and wireless router
- Re-stared system= found 1stage system running in high pressure/ must replace the refrigerant filter and flush system.

4 20x20x2 Merf 7
1 AX34 V belt
1 Pelican GW4002 / TC1 Router Heat 2 cool Commercial thermostat
16.5 410 A Refrigerant 10.5 Lbs
1 Nitrogen/ pressure testing
2 CO2/ Coil cleaning $42.500.00%$85.00
Sub Total $3,160.11
Tax $136.01
Paid -$3,296.12
Total Due $0.00

To pay by check, please mail your payment to:
JCM Services Inc. dba Service First USA
721 Amsterdam St.
Woodstock, IL 60098

For direct deposit:
Account number:934032491
Routing number: 071000013
For credit card payments: