721 Amsterdam St.
Woodstock, IL 60098
P.(847) 450 7850
24/7 Dispatch: +1 (866)922 2580
Quote Number | QUO-7503 |
Quote Date | July 28, 2023 |
Total | $2,667.01 |
1040 Lake Ave, Woodstock, IL 60098
Scope of work:
Notes: Equipment was troubleshooter by others. This quote is specifically for the replacement of the unit compressor. If there are other issues found, they will become an extra cost above and beyond the cost of this scope of work.
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Adjust | Sub Total |
1 | True 925003 Compressor 208-230V, 60HZ |
$1,798.42 | 0% | $1,798.42 |
1 | Refrigerant and gasses |
$62.50 | 0% | $62.50 |
3 | Installation labor |
$185.00 | 0% | $555.00 |
1 | TRAVEL/TRUCK CHARGE- Compresor pick up & delivery ( Bollinbrook) | $65.00 | 0.00% | $65.00 |
Sub Total | $2,480.92 |
Tax | $186.09 |
Total | $2,667.01 |